Thomas Crone

Bild von Thomas Crone

Internationales Kolleg für Geisteswissenschaftliche Forschung "Schicksal, Freiheit und Prognose. Bewältigungsstrategien in Ostasien und Europa"
Hartmannstr. 14
91052 Erlangen

IKGF Research Coordinator

Thomas Crone researches the history of ancient Chinese philosophy and religion from the perspective of the semantics of Classical Chinese. Further research focuses are ancient Chinese sayings and wisdom literature and comparisons between ancient Greek and Chinese philosophy and literature. In 2021 he joined the IKGF Erlangen, Germany, as Research Coordinator.

Selected Publications

Edited Books/Monographs:

  • The Concept of Remonstrance in Ancient and Medieval China. With Christian Schwermann (eds.). Bonn: Bonn University Press (forthcoming 2022).
  • Between Disaster, Punishment, and Blame: The Semantic Field of Guilt in Early Chinese Texts. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2020.
Journal Articles/Book Chapters:
  • "Seeking Truth beyond Facts: Debates on Facts and History in the Kongcongzi 孔叢子." Monumenta Serica (forthcoming).
  • "Confucian Pollen: A Comparative Reading of the Xunzi Chapter 'Great Compendium' (da lüe 大略)." In: Glenn Most, Michael Puett (eds.), After Wisdom: Sapiential Traditions and Ancient Scholarship in Comparative Perspective. Leiden: Brill (forthcoming 2022).
  • "Confucius Repeats Himself: On the Nature and Sources of the Lunyu 論語 (Selected Teachings)." T'oung Pao 108, nos. 3-4 (2022).
  • "The semantic change of the word min 民 in texts of the Eastern Zhou Period (771–221 BC)." Asiatische Studien 70, no. 3 (2016).
  • "Der Begriff mín 民 in Texten der Westlichen Zhōu-Dynastie (1050–771 v. Chr.)." Orientierungen 26 (2014).